Equipment used in our laboratory:

We possess several different calorimeters based on different principles and covvering different temperature ranges.
For measureemnts of heat capacities, the lowest uncertainty (less than 1 percent) can be achieved with calorimeters of Tian-Calvet type (older SETARAM microDSC IIIa and its successor SETARAM microCalvet), which however operate in a limited temperature range 230 K to 350 K.
This temperature range can be extended using power-compensation DSC (PerkinElmer 8500) and relaxation caporimeter Quantum Design PPMS (2K to 300 K)..
Another DSC (Thermal Analysis Q1000) is used for studiing phase and glass transitions, constructing phase diagrams etc. More delais are povided below.

SETARAM MicroCalvet
- Tian-Calvet principle
- Temperature range 258 K to 358 K (228 K to 358 K)
- Sample size 1 ml
- Details in Štejfa et al. , J. Chem. Thermodyn. 2014, 79, 280-289

DSC TA Q1000
- Heat-flux type
- Temperature range 183 K to 823 K
- Sample size 1 mg to 100 mg

DSC PerkinElmer 8500
- Power-compensation type
- Temperature range 213 K to 1023 K
- Sample size 1 mg to 100 mg

Quantum Design PPMS
- Universal measurement system
- Properties measured:
- Heat capacity - Heat pulse (Thermal relaxation)
- Magnetism - magnet 9 T
- Conductivity
- Temperature range 1.8 K to 300 K
- Sample size: 1 mg to 20 mg

Apparatuses for vapor pressure measurements
In 1990 we have found inspiration in static apparatus working in Lyon (prof. J. Jose, Dr. I. Mokbel, Laboratoire d'Instrumentation et de Chimie Analytique en Solution, Univ.´ Claude Bernard, 69622 Villeurbanne, France.). Later we have constructed our own apparatuses, which are fully automated and cover pressure range from ca 0.05 Pa to 10 kPa (see figure on left). Respective apparatuses are described in more details below.

Apparatus for meassurement of vapor pressures by static method
- Temperature range 223 K to 473 K
- Pressure range 0.7 Pa to 1330 Pa
- Fully automated
Details in Fulem et al. , J. Chem. Eng. Data 2010, 55, 4780-4784 or https://web.vscht.cz/fulemm/

Apparatus for meassurement of vapor pressures by static method
- Temperature range 273 K to 368 K
- Pressure range 0.1 Pa to 1330 Pa
- Fully automated
Details in Štejfa et al. , J. Chem. Eng. Data 2016, 61, 3627-3639
- List of papers with recommended data for calibration compounds

Auxilary equipment:
- Helium leak detector MKS Pico
- Zone refining
- GloveBox MBraun LabStar
- Spinning band distillation
Software used in our laboratory:
- Gaussian