Heat capacity of ideal gas
As summarized e.g. by Štejfa et al. [1] , knowledge of ideal-gas thermodynamic properties is indispensable for the calculation of thermodynamic properties of real fluids and for numerous applications including thermochemistry, equations of states, phase and chemical equilibria, studies of solute-solvent interactions through the solvation heat capacities, thermodynamic correlations such as. SimCor. SimCor method require heat capacities of ideal gas with uncertainty better than 1 percent, therefore state of the art approaches are needed.
Data sources
Current practtice for techological applications is to use values stored in handbooks and databases like CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics [2], NIST WebBook [3], DIPPR database, handbook by Poling et al. [4], or the compilation by Stull et al. [5]. While these sources typically contain only numerical values, two volume compilation published by TRC in 1994 [6] contains sources of data used for heat capacity evaluation.
Historical background (from experiment to quantum chemistry and statistical thermodynamics calculations)
Direct or indirect experimental techniques leading to deal-gas heat capacitie are nowadays very scarce and technically limited by volatility of the studied compounds:
- calorimetric measurements (recycle flow calorimeters, e.g. Waddington et al., J.Am.Chem.Soc 69(1947)22
or indirect measurements (for example speed-of-sound measurements)
- of ideal-gas heat capacities as well as ideal-gas entropies derived from calorimetric measurements from near 0 K, vapor pressure measurements, and a description or estimate of state behavior of fluid (often called third-law entropies in the literature),
Computational methods: With the decline of experimental detarminations, nowadays prevailing way to obtain properties of ideal gas is to apply statistical thermodynamics calculations using either experimental
or calculated molecular parameters (fundamental vibrational frequencies,
principal moments of inertia, etc.). Electronic structure calculations are
currently preferably used and combined with various statistical thermodynamics
models ranging from the rigid rotor-harmonic oscillator (RRHO) approximation,
variety of approximations accounting for anharmonicity [7-11] to computationally expensive path integral
methods [12] affordable only for small molecules [13-15]. A brief overview of the statistical
thermodynamics models formerly employed to calculate ideal-gas thermodynamic
properties of n-alkanes is given in Section
2.4. in our recent paper [1].
Contribution of our laboratory
For the calculations for flexible molecules, RRHO approximation is inadequate and the application of more advanced models, such as 1-DHR [16], 1-DHR/M [17], or R1SM [18] schemes for the treatment of internal rotations is necessary. An overview on the calculation of ideal-gas thermodynamic properties including the analysis of uncertainties of these calculations can be found in our recent works [1, 16, 19].
Scaling factors
[under construction]
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